a mini-course by ZAZYOGA


Are you ready to take a journey through the fascinating universe of chakras and subtle anatomy?
This course if for you if:
  • You love the physical practice of yoga, and feel that you are ready to go deeper
  • ​You are a yoga practitioner curious about energy anatomy and the subtle body
  • You would love to learn about the chakras and how they impact your physical and mental wellness
  • You are a yoga teacher seeking to deepen your understanding of the charkas
  • ​You love to combine theory and practice to gain new knowledge

What are the chakras?

  • Chakras relate to pranic energy, or the life force that animates the body. They are part of the subtle anatomy, one that is inperceptible by the human eye. Because the subtle world is so hard to conceive, chakras are represented by symbols that express their function, including a color (light vibration), sound (air vibration), number, etc.
  • ​Chakras are formed at the intersection of the energy channels of the body (nadis). While there are thousands of chakras in the human body, the seven main ones are situated along the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head.
  •  The seven main chakra represent the main functions of the body, such as cognition, expression, digestion, etc., and their connected emotions.
  • Chakras can be overactive or underactive. When out of balance, a chakras will manifest in the physical body, thoughts, and emotions. 
Here is exactly what you're going to get...

Unlimited access to the Journey Through The Chakras mini-course.

(Value $127 USD)

This 9-module course explores the subtle body and each of the main chakras with:
  • 7 Original Practices to activate your seven main chakra centers and promote balance.
  •  An Overview of Energy Anatomy to deconstruct and understand the subtle body and the makings of the chakras
  • 7 In-depth Chakras Lectures to understand the location, symbolism, and attributes of each of the main chakras and know exactly how to balance them.
  • ​A 60-minute Yin Chakra Balancing Practice to integrate your new knowledge into a transcending practice.

Module 1

Understand make make the human body beyond flesh and bones in this introduction to subtle anatomy. You will learn about the five sheets of your body (koshas) and their impact. 

You will also deep-dive into energy anatomy with an overview of prana (the vital force) and the nadis that circulate it throughour the body. 

Module 2

Connect with safety, security, and stability with this exploration of the root chakra and the earth element. Uncover how our early childhood experience can impact our capacity to deal with stress, and which life habits can support a strong and balanced root chakra.

We then take you through a grounding practice design to strengthen and balance your root chakra and help you feel safe and secure.

Module 3

Uncover your sensual and creative side with a deep-dive in the sacral chakra. You will explore the symbolism of the water element and how the sacral chakra connects to your sexuality, emotions, and creative expression.

Then, flow through a beautiful guided class to release stuck emotions and express your sensuality.

Module 4

Tap into your fire center with the solar plexus chakra. As we explore how the center of the body forms the center of the ego, you will learn the signs and symptoms of an imbalanced solar plexus chakra and the tools to keep the ego healthy.

A fiery dynamic yoga practice will encourage you to tap into your own power and activate your digestive fire.

Module 5

Explore the secrets of the heart chakra and discover how this central area of the body relates to your relationship with others and with yourself. You will learn how a healthy heart chakra is key to loving ad authentic relationships, and discover tools to practice opening your heart without losing yourself to others.

Our soothing hearth opening yoga flow with guide you into a space of unconditional love and deep connection.

Module 6

Discover of the sound of your voice can reflect the state of your throat chakra. Through the air element and the symbols of the 5th chakra, you will explore way to express your authentic truth. 

A guided yoga flow designed to activate your throat chakra will leave you inspire to sing, speak, or write to express who you are!

Module 7

Learn how the third eye chakra dictates how you experience your life. You will explore how the pituitary gland, associated with the 6th chakra, has an impact on your whole body, and how your thoughts create your reality. You will learn tools and practices to quiet the mind and balance the third eye center. 

Your guided yoga practice will invite sacred transformation as you to connect to your inner vision.

Module 8

Connect to your divine guidance as you uncover the mysteries of the 7th main chakra, the crown chakra. You will learn how this energy centers can help you connect to the source, but also lead to additions if out of balance. You will learn tools to expand your consciousness and connect to your inner light.

Your guided yoga flow will help you activate your crown chakra and connection to the source.

Module 9

In this last module of your Journey Through The Chakra course, you will be called to revisit each of your chakra centers and identify their interrelation. With conclude this course with the profound experience of a chakra balancing class including mantras and yin postures to activate and balance each of your main chakras.


  • ​Journey Through The Chakras eBook (value $27 USD)
Get an in-depth understanding of Energy Anatomy and the Subtle Body with this downloadable eBook, including the Koshas, the five elements, the Doshas, and a detailed summary of each of the 7 main chakras
  • ​Printable Chakra map (value $7 USD)
This Chakra map is the key to understand the meaning of each of your own Chakra,  evaluate their state and identify instantly the techniques to rebalance your mind, body and soul.

And your ZAZYOGA YACEP 8H Certificate*

Upon completion of the Journey Through The Chakras mini-course, you will be able to register 8 hours of continuing education with Yoga Alliance's YACEP education*.
*For registered Yoga Teachers only


Whether you are looking for creative yoga classes or to deepen your knowledge of subtle anatomy... you're only a click away from taking a captivating journey.

Here's everything you get today:

  • Unlimited access to the Journey Through The Chakras course lectures (value $127 USD)
  • Downloadable Journey Through The Chakras eBook (value $27 USD)
  • Printable Chakra map  (value $7 USD)
  •  Your ZAZYOGA YACEP 8H Certificate


$161 USD


Interested but still on the fence? 

with Marylene Henry

Meet Your Teachers: 

Marylene Henry 

Marylene Henry (aka "Zaz") is an energetic and experienced yoga teacher, reiki healer, and mindfulness coach. After climbing the ladders of the corporate world and holding senior international positions in Fortune 100 companies, she decided to trade her tailored suits for yoga pants and dedicate herself to studying and teaching yoga.

Her extensive experience in corporate environments led her to experience how lifestyle impacts the body and mind. She leverages this knowledge to help students and clients relieve their physical and psychological pain through yoga and osteopathic techniques. Her holistic immersive approach encompasses deep understanding of bodily systems and body alignments, philosophy, and mindfulness practice, to lead her clients to self-empowerment.

On top of yoga, Marylene studied psychology, energy fields, and mindfulness coaching. She is currently completing a PhD in Osteopathy. She leads yoga workshops in the UAE and yoga teacher trainings in Bali.

Ella Trotter

Ella Trotter's passion for yoga started at an early age in New Zealand and Australia where she explored many different styles of yoga to compliment a busy working lifestyle. Her worldly curiosity and desire to learn led her on an exploration, travelling, volunteering, and living in Holistic communities around the world. Feeling the calling to India, and the time to deepen her yoga practice, she embarked on a 200h YTTC and ended up staying in India helping the running of a Yoga School in Goa. Since then, Ella has been teaching all around the world, studying and practicing, and has now settled in Bali to run Yoga Teacher Trainings and Yoga Retreats.

Ella’s unique teaching style could be defined as mindfully connecting movement with breath whether it be a flowing vinyasa class or a gentle restorative session. She is passionate about meditation and finding different ways to calm the mind and connect to the present moment.


Why train online?
- Because it is more convenient and cheaper! Our online yoga course format allows you to learn at your own pace and design your experience around your life and schedule. 
- Because our self-paced online yoga teacher training lets you pause and rewind as many times as you want, until you get a perfect understanding of the poses and concepts taught. And you can go back to the course content over and over again!
Why choose Zazyoga?
- Because we care about each yogi student and provide a highly personalized support tso they can experience growth. We feel this should be the norm for every online yoga school.
- Because we respect each body’s individuality.  We feel that the prevention of yoga injuries in any practice should be the foundation of every online yoga practice.
- Because we're passionate and knowledgeable teachers fully committed to  your growth and your success. We feel that being available to support you personally is what makes a difference in an online yoga teacher training. 
- Because we foster an inclusive environment and a supportive community. We feel this is the only way to learn from each other and grow together. 
How do I get support during the course?
Throughout the course you will have access to your teachers via the course platform. You can also always send us your questions by email and WhatsApp or Zoom. We are only a click away!
When does the course start and finish?
The course is a completely self-paced online curriculum which you get access to as soon as you enroll, and can build your own convenient schedule, or simply dive into the lectures and practices that support your needs of the moment.
Will I be able to register CE credits with Yoga Alliance?
If you are already registered with Yoga Alliance, you can enter your online course hours are Continuous Education credits, as long as the lectures are completed before December 31st 2021. This date has been set by Yoga Alliance in response to the global pandemic and its impact on the in-person delivery of trainings. 
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for 1 year across any and all devices you own.
How many hours will it take to complete this course?
Your full course includes over 8 hours of practices and lectures split into 9 module. Modules contain a mix of lectures and practices, as well as suggested introspective exercises. 
Do I need to be a yoga teacher to do this course?
No! The Zazyoga Journey Through The CHakras mini-course is designed for yoga teaches or students who already have a yoga practice and are looking to dive deeper into the chakras universe. If you are looking to complete a yoga instructor certification, please visit our 200h training program page.

More Questions? Contact us

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All Rights Reserved