Zazyoga Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

an in-depth journey to support pregnancy by ZAZYOGA

NOTE: The course can be completed at your own pace over a period of up to one year.


Are you ready to take your yoga classes to the next level and support women during their pregnancy?
This course is for you if:
  •  You want to upskill and specialize as the prenatal expert in your field
  • ​You are passionate about teaching yoga and supporting your students
  • You feel called to support women as they create the miracle of life
  • You would love to learn about safety and contraindications during pregnancy so that you can accompany your pregnant students
  • ​You are fascinated by how yoga impacts your physical and mental wellness and wish to broaden your class offerings
  • ​You love to combine theory and practice to gain complete understanding and are not afraid to dive deep into topics.

Why teach prenatal yoga?

  • During pregnancy, the female body undergoes important physiological changes which can be uncomfortable or overwhelming. Through the practice of yoga, you can support pregnant women to better adapt and embrace these changes while fostering an optimal environment for this creation of life.
  • ​By supporting women with yoga during their pregnancy, you can help deepen their connection to the baby, boost their self-confidence, foster unconditional love, improve their wellbeing, help them be better prepared for delivery, and more!
  • By understanding the physiological and psychological benefits and contraindication of prenatal yoga, you will confidently and safely guide expecting mothers through movement and breath.
Curious to take your teachings to pregnant women?
Here is exactly what you're going to get...

Unlimited access to the Zazyoga Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training.

(Value $1,097 USD)

This 80-hour course explores all you need to know to support women during the different phases of their pregnancy with yoga, with:
  • 12 month access to the course practice and lectures to learn and revisit how to safely guide prenatal classes.
  •  4 LIVE prenatal group calls and replays with your teachers and guest speakers to dive deeper on pregnancy topics.
  • Complete prenatal yoga manual and printable resources to understand the cycles of the woman's body during pregnancy, learn essential teaching tools and safety during pregnancy, main asanas and their adaptation to pregnant women, and more.
  • ​A 60-minute prenatal yoga class example to integrate your new knowledge into a transcending practice.
  • Ongoing support from your teachers and to the Zazyoga community to have all your questions answered and receive community support.
  • ​A special access to the Zazyoga Membership (optional) for only $12 per month to join our weekly community calls and replays to deepen your knowledge of yoga and receive YACEP contact hour credits.

You will learn:

How to teach prenatal yoga

Understand how to adjust your yoga classes so you can safely guide students of all trimesters. 

Discover the essential science of sequencing a class to create impactful and safe experiences for your students. Learn the essential toolbox of the teacher to provide clear and effective guidance.

Learn how to support your pregnant students online and in-person, as well as the differences between teaching private and group classes, so that you can confidently offer your classes in multiple convenient formats.

Female body anatomy

Discover the uniqueness of the female body anatomy and the changes involved during pregnancy so that you can safely and confidently accompany your students through the cycles of pregnancy.

By exploring topics such fetal development, the body systems in pregnancy, anatomy of the breath for pregnancy, prenatal complications and health condition considerations, you will gain the knowledge to better guide your students and provide them with the support, nurturing, and understanding they need.

Subtle anatomy

Uncover the subtle anatomy body through an overview of the chakra system and energy anatomy. With this knowledge, you will be able to create chakra sequences to support balance and growth.

Yoga philosophy

Revisit and learn the key aspects of yoga philosophy with a new perspective. You will be guided to use yoga philosophy principle to support and empower your students throughout and after their pregnancy. 

Prenatal yoga practices

Practice with your teachers and experience the benefits of prenatal yoga in your own body. 

Learn suitable asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, and meditation practices to share with your students so that your classes can be complete, impactful, and immersive. 

Meditation and yoga nidra

Discover the science behind meditation and yoga nidra and learn to create dedicated guided practices for your pregnant students. 

By gaining the confidence and knowledge to teach these powerful practices, you will offer your pregnant students the opportunity to gift their bodies a supportive and nurturing environment to create life.


  • ​Your Zazyoga Prenatal Yoga complete manual (value $127 USD)
Get invaluable resources with your printable support material and student manual.
  • BONUS LECTURE: ​Post natal yoga (value $47 USD)
Understand the important considerations and practices to support recovery after delivery.
  • ​BONUS LECTURE: Prenatal partner yoga (value $27 USD)
Learn how to support couple practices to foster deeper connection between the parents.
  • ​Alternative practices (value $77 USD)
Explore complementary practices such as authentic relating and mindfulness to broaden your competency and offer more complete classes.

And your ZAZYOGA Certificate*

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to register 80 hours of continuing education with Yoga Alliance's YACEP education*.
*For registered Yoga Teachers only. 


Whether you are looking for a new direction in your yoga career or simply to deepen your knowledge to offer better support during pregnancy... you're only a click away from taking a captivating journey!

Here's everything you get today:

  • Unlimited access to the Zazyoga Prenata Yoga Teacher Training course lectures for 12 months (value $1097 USD)
  • Downloadable Zazyoga Prenatal Yoga manual (value $127 USD)
  • Bonus lectures (value $278 USD)
  •  Your ZAZYOGA YACEP 80H Certificate


$1,502 USD

Monthly payment options available on checkout

Interested but still on the fence? 

with Ella Trotter

Meet Your Teachers: 

Ella Trotter

 Ella is an experienced Yoga Teacher and Trainer specializing in Therapeutic Yoga and Pregnancy Yoga. Her passion for yoga started at an early age in New Zealand and Australia where she explored many different styles of yoga to compliment a busy working lifestyle. The last decade has been an exploration into deep spiritual practices, where her worldly curiosity spread to all corners of the globe. Now settling in Bali, Indonesia, Ella along side Marylene run Yoga Teacher Trainings and Yoga Retreats in-person and online.

Ella has been described as a ray of sunshine and inspires others through authenticity & leading by example. Her unique teaching style could be defined as mindfully connecting movement with breath whether it be a flowing vinyasa class or a gentle restorative session. She is passionate about the cycles of nature and living in abundance and harmony with the natural world.

Favorite things: Cacao, Kirtan, Essential Oils, Sunrises, Sunsets, dogs & Breathing!

Life Mantras: I surrender, I accept, I am worthy

ERYT-500 (Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa & Therapeutic Yoga)
RYP Pregnancy Yoga Teacher
Reiki Practitioner
Breathwork Facilitator
Life & Relationship Coach
Human Design Specialist

Marylene Henry 

Marylene Henry (aka "Zaz") is an energetic and experienced yoga teacher, reiki healer, and mindfulness coach. After climbing the ladders of the corporate world and holding senior international positions in Fortune 100 companies, she decided to trade her tailored suits for yoga pants and dedicate herself to studying and teaching yoga.

Her extensive experience in corporate environments led her to experience how lifestyle impacts the body and mind. She leverages this knowledge to help students and clients relieve their physical and psychological pain through yoga, breath, and osteopathic techniques. Her holistic immersive approach encompasses deep understanding of bodily systems and body alignments, philosophy, and mindfulness practice, to lead her clients to self-empowerment.

On top of yoga, Marylene studied psychology, energy fields, and mindfulness coaching. She is currently completing a PhD in Osteopathy. She leads yoga workshops in the UAE and yoga teacher trainings in Bali.

Favorite things: Breathing, dancing, cooking, studying the human body!

Life Mantra: SAT NAM

ERYT-500 (Vinyasa & Therapeutic Yoga)
Reiki Master
Pranic Healing Master
Breathwork facilitator
Mindfulness coach


Why train online?
- Because it is more convenient and cheaper! Our online yoga course format allows you to learn at your own pace and design your experience around your life and schedule. 
- Because our self-paced online yoga teacher training lets you pause and rewind as many times as you want, until you get a perfect understanding of the poses and concepts taught. And you can go back to the course content over and over again!
Why choose Zazyoga?
- Because we care about each yogi student and provide a highly personalized support tso they can experience growth. We feel this should be the norm for every online yoga school.
- Because we respect each body’s individuality.  We feel that the prevention of yoga injuries in any practice should be the foundation of every online yoga practice.
- Because we're passionate and knowledgeable teachers fully committed to  your growth and your success. We feel that being available to support you personally is what makes a difference in an online yoga teacher training. 
- Because we foster an inclusive environment and a supportive community. We feel this is the only way to learn from each other and grow together. 
How do I get support during the course?
Throughout the course you will have access to your teachers via the course platform. You can also always send us your questions by email and WhatsApp or Zoom. We are only a click away!
When does the course start and finish?
The course is a completely self-paced online curriculum which you get access to as soon as you enroll, and can build your own convenient schedule, or simply dive into the lectures and practices that support your needs of the moment.
Will I be able to register CE credits with Yoga Alliance?
If you are already registered with Yoga Alliance, you can enter your online course hours are Continuous Education credits, as long as the lectures are completed before December 31st 2023. We are in the process of registering as RPYS with Yoga Alliance.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for 1 year across any and all devices you own.
How many hours will it take to complete this course?
Your full course includes over 80 hours of practices and lectures split into X module. Modules contain a mix of lectures, practices, and teaching exercises. 
Do I need to be a yoga teacher to do this course?
Yes! This course is designed to help yoga teachers gain deeper knowledge to safely teach pregnancy yoga. If you are looking to complete a yoga instructor certification, please visit our 200h training program page or contact us to discuss if you are eligible for a exemption. 

More Questions? Contact us

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All Rights Reserved